About Us
From thriving kids to thriving families.
Our Story
Founded in 1993 in a one-bedroom apartment in East Palo Alto, Family Connections has been serving Peninsula families for 30 years. It was founded by Little Hands, a cooperative nursery school in Belmont, and they continue to inspire us to be so much more than a preschool.

Why Family Connections?
Family Connections is a foundation for whole-family success.

We provide free high-quality, whole-family education, paired with in-depth whole family support.
We strive for...
Children's healthy cognitive development.
Children's social and emotional development.
Resource development for parents.
The research is crystal clear: young children need a strong foundation of support to meet development milestones and set in place the building blocks of successful futures.
Who We Serve
Our families report experiencing these challenges:

Low Household Income
81% of our families earn less than $60K a year in an area where $128K is the median income.

Increasing Need for Mental Health Support
Our families' need for mental health support increased by 41% in the past two years.

Language Barriers
English is not the primary language of 66% of our families.
Families in our community experience these challenges:

Basic Necessities
21% of parents/caregivers said they are not able to afford basic necessities.

Lack of Adult Support
43% of youth survey respondents reported that they have "never" or "rarely" talked to a supportive adult about what they are thinking or feeling.

Childcare Shortage
75% of families seeking affordable child care can’t find it.
Our Partners
Family Connections thrives through our partnerships with these community organizations that work together to support our families and communities.

Our Timeline
Family Connections is established in a one bedroom apartment in East Palo Alto under the fiscal responsibility of Little Hands preschool.
Family Connections becomes an independent organization and is granted 501(c) (3) non-profit status.
Family Connections secures permanent sites in East Palo Alto and Redwood City.
Family Connections is awarded our first government contract from First 5, San Mateo County, establishing our presence as a leader in providing high-quality, whole-family education. Family Connections introduces our Nurturing Families program (birth to 3 years) and Young Scholars program (5 to 10 years).
Family Connections is awarded a Child Abuse Prevention grant to fund a full-time clinician and a full-time home visitor, further establishing our unique approach in integrating high-quality, whole-family support.
Family Connections shifts to a co-op model for our preschool class. Family Connections is awarded a contract from the San Mateo County Office of Education to expand our mental health services to include an Early Intervention Consultant and becomes an exclusive provider of the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) in San Mateo County.